How to Get Your Next 100 Users for Your SaaS: Building on Your First 10

How to Get Your Next 100 Users for Your SaaS: Building on Your First 10

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Congratulations on securing your first 10 users for your SaaS! Now, it's time to take your growth to the next level and aim for the next milestone: 100 users. In this extended guide, we'll build upon the strategies we discussed in our previous article on getting your first 10 users and explore how to scale your user base to 100. Let's dive in!

1. Leverage Your Existing Network

Start by revisiting your existing network. Those initial 10 users can be your advocates. Encourage them to refer friends, colleagues, and industry peers who might benefit from your SaaS.

Example: If your first 10 users include business owners, ask them to refer fellow entrepreneurs in their network. Offer incentives like discounts or extended trials for successful referrals.

2. Enhance Your Landing Page

Your landing page is your digital storefront. Now that you have a few users, consider showcasing their testimonials or success stories prominently. This can build trust and credibility with potential users.

Example: Dropbox used this strategy effectively by featuring case studies and testimonials from satisfied users, assuring visitors of the platform's value and reliability.

3. Content Marketing Continues

Continue producing valuable content that addresses the pain points of your target audience. Expand your content strategy to cover a wider range of topics and engage a broader audience.

Example: HubSpot's content strategy includes not only marketing-related content but also resources for sales and customer service professionals, catering to a broader user base.

4. Social Media Outreach

Keep engaging with your audience on social media. As you expand, consider exploring new platforms or channels where your potential users might be active.

Example: Canva expanded its social media presence by joining platforms like TikTok, showcasing design tips and tutorials to reach a younger and creative audience.

5. Email Marketing Automation

Implement email marketing automation to nurture leads and convert them into users. Segment your email list to send personalized content and offers.

Example: Airbnb uses automated emails to send personalized travel recommendations and exclusive discounts to users who have shown interest but haven't yet booked accommodations.

6. Beta Testing: Round Two

Just as you did with your first 10 users, consider a second round of beta testing for the next 100. This will help you identify any new issues and further refine your SaaS.

Example: Grammarly continued to gather feedback through beta testing even after its initial user acquisition phase, leading to ongoing product improvements.

7. Refinement of Your Referral Program

If you introduced a referral program for your first 10 users, refine it based on their feedback and experiences. Make it more attractive for users to refer others.

Example: Dropbox evolved its referral program, increasing the incentives for both the referrer and the referred user as its user base grew.

8. Engagement and Customer Support

As your user base expands, invest in excellent customer support and user engagement. Respond promptly to inquiries, address concerns, and actively seek feedback.

Example: Slack's responsive customer support and constant communication with its users contributed significantly to its rapid growth and user satisfaction.


Securing your first 10 users was a significant achievement, but getting your next 100 users for your SaaS is the next exciting step in your journey. By building on the strategies that helped you reach your initial users and scaling them effectively, you can continue to grow your user base and make your SaaS a success. Remember, persistence, and a focus on delivering value to your users are key to achieving your growth goals. Best of luck on your path to 100 users and beyond!

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